Thursday, March 5, 2009

long time

It's been a long time since I wrote anything. February was an eventful month and I have had some fun! Oh and January was good too. And March will be fun as well.

I went with Alex White from the Scappoose Ward. He was a gentleman of course, and I had fun. I wore a pink dress with diamond accents and a sheer flowy... thing... overtop.

I donated blood for the first time.
It was a horrible experience. I'll have to give more detail another time.

I went to a youth activity the day after the blood drive.
I had a lot of fun, but I was having a hard time keeping my energy up. I blame the blood drive. The dance that night was a formal, and I really enjoyed myself all day and night.
Coming up...
Choir Concert: Duet in "New York State of Mind" (Vocal Jazz)
Solo in "When I Fall in Love" (Vocal Jazz)
Alternate for small group in "Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel" (A Cappella)
Band Concert
A Cappella Jazz Festival in Albany
Duet in "New York State of Mind"
Solo in "When I Fall in Love"

Tomorrow the Vocal Jazz is going to perform in the Commons before School. I'm really excited! Hopefully we will be making a habit of this, and it will become a tradition. It would be like what On The Rocks does at UofO (or is it OSU?... I forgot) But it will still be REALLY cool and really fun! Now I need to go to bed so I can survive tomorrow.

Oh and Saturday I'm going to a party with my brother Matthew. I will probably only know about 3-5 people including my brother. Fun way to meet new people. The crazy thing is it was Matt's Home Teacher that invited me. Not my brother. But Matt is cool with me going, so it's okay. I'm excited. I just have to make sure I don't fall asleep in church. hahaha I don't think I'm in too much trouble though.

I'm going to take my drivers test on Monday the 23rd of March. I'm really excited. I'm finally just going to go and do it. I hope I pass the first time. When I do get my licence, I'll only have to wait a little over a month before I can drive other people around. How cool is that? It's because I'll be turning 18 on May 3rd!!! That's a sunday this year. and May 2nd is Prom!!! I need to make a dress (or buy or trade one) and get a date! I'm so excited for everything going on. Details about some things will just have to come some other time.