Thursday, August 12, 2010

Been a While

So I'm almost done with my class, and I've been reporting in to Kari every day. I think I'll be done this week. Keep your fingers crossed.

Kari has invited me to move down to Enoch, Utah and live in her shack out back. Now I kinda wish I had checked it out when I was down there for the wedding. I have no Idea how big it is, or if it has a closet or anything. She did say it has a bathroom though, and that they would put a lock on the door. So that's good. I really think I'll move down there. I'll have to leave behind a lot of friends. I think that's sad, but I think this might be what I need. It's a chance to escape St. Helens, OR and move on to something new. I'll also have to leave behind an almost boyfriend. He's been moving really slow, and I'm definately grateful for that. I guess I need to look ahead and move forward. This is Really Exciting!